Guide Details

Kay Kondo

I hope this message finds you well and full of excitement for your upcoming journey to Hiroshima! My name is Kay, and I am thrilled to be your designated tour guide for this adventure. As a guide deeply passionate about the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of this area, I am eager to share these experiences with you. With nearly 10 years of experience as a tour guide, I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming guests from all over the world, each bringing their own unique perspectives and interests. Whether this is your first-time visiting Hiroshima or you’re returning to explore it more deeply, my goal is to provide you with an enriching and memorable experience. Our itinerary will take us through some of the most iconic landmarks, as well as a few hidden gems that only locals know about. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient architecture, indulging in the local cuisine, or learning about the fascinating history that has shaped this place, I am here to tailor the tour to your interests. My aim is to not only guide you but also to connect you with the heart and soul of Hiroshima. Before we begin our tour, feel free to share with me any specific interests or special requests you might have. Whether it’s a particular site you’re eager to visit, a type of cuisine you’re curious to try, or even a story you’ve heard about this place that you’d like to explore further, your input will help me craft an experience that is uniquely suited to you. I look forward to meeting you in person and sharing in the discovery of all that this incredible place has to offer. If you have any questions before your arrival, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Until then, I wish you safe travels and eagerly await the opportunity to guide you on what promises to be an unforgettable journey. Warm regards, Kay

Tours I can guide
